Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Promises to Improve Moderation to Eliminate Illegal Activities

In a recent announcement, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has pledged to enhance the platform’s moderation efforts to combat illegal activities. This commitment comes amid growing concerns over the misuse of Telegram by individuals and groups engaging in unlawful activities, such as sharing illegal content, coordinating criminal activities, and spreading misinformation.

CEO Telegram Pavel Durov. Photo: TechCrunch

Telegram, known for its strong stance on privacy and free speech, has faced criticism for allegedly being lenient on moderation. However, Durov’s latest statement indicates a shift towards a more balanced approach that still respects user privacy while ensuring the platform is not exploited for illicit purposes.

Durov outlined several key steps Telegram plans to take. First, the platform will increase the number of moderators, enabling quicker and more efficient identification and removal of illegal content. Second, Telegram will invest in advanced AI technology to detect and prevent the spread of harmful material proactively. These AI systems will be trained to recognize patterns and behaviors associated with illegal activities, allowing for more precise moderation.

Moreover, Telegram intends to strengthen its cooperation with law enforcement agencies across various countries. By doing so, the platform aims to streamline the process of identifying and apprehending those who use Telegram for illegal purposes. Durov emphasized that this cooperation would be conducted with a focus on maintaining user privacy, ensuring that legitimate users’ rights are not infringed upon.

The promise to improve moderation marks a significant development for Telegram, as it seeks to balance its reputation as a champion of privacy with the growing need for a safer online environment. As the platform continues to grow, with millions of active users worldwide, these measures are expected to play a crucial role in sustaining Telegram’s position as a leading messaging service.

Durov’s announcement has been met with a mixed reaction. While some users appreciate the commitment to improving safety, others express concern about potential overreach and the impact on free speech. However, Durov reassures users that Telegram’s core values remain unchanged, and the platform will continue to prioritize user privacy while taking necessary steps to eliminate illegal activities.



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